About Kane Data

Kane Data Limited was founded by David Kane. David is a freelance data scientist and researcher, specialising in data for, by and about charities and wider civil society. He has over ten years experience working with charity data, having worked for NCVO, CAST and the Greater London Authority.

David is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Kane Data works with a range of other organisations:

  • David is Analysis Lead for 360Giving, a charity that helps organisations publish and use open grants data.
  • David is an associate with Lucent, helping Lucent clients make the most out of their data as they develop their strategies.

David is also CTO of Charizone, a company using data to inspire responsible donors.

How we can help you

Access charity data

Kane Data Limited maintains a comprehensive database of registered charities and other organisations in the UK. It builds on open data released by the Charity Commission, the Scottish Charity Regulator and Charity Commission in Northern Ireland. We maintain additional data that adds value to the source data, and link with other key datasets such as geographical and financial data.

We can help you access and use this data for your work, and integrate it into your processes.

Data analysis and visualisation

David is an experienced data analyst, turning messy raw data into actionable intelligence that answers the questions you are asking. The answers you will get will be clear, concise and produced to high visual standards to help you get your message across.

Data cleaning and linking

We can help turn your messy spreadsheets into perfectly formed clean data, linked to other relevant data to help get the most out of your data. This is not just about one-off cleaning, but building the processes and tools to automate data cleaning and make sure you get clean data all the time.

Building data tools

Data is most powerful when it's combined with tools that help collect, use, analyse and explore it. We can help you build tools using the latest web technologies to do all these, whether it's extracting data from paper forms, combining big datasets into one or designing front ends for users to explore the data.

Open data and open standards

We're passionate about the difference that open data can make for charities. We can help you use and publish open data, making the most out of this valuable resource whilst avoiding the pitfalls. We can also help you use data standards to ensure that your data is compatible with other datasets, so you can get the full benefits.

Hire us - get in touch

Email hello@kanedata.co.uk
Phone (+44) 7759 511172
Mastodon @kanedr@mastodon.social
LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/david-kane/
Twitter @kanedr (this account is currently inactive)
Github kanedata
Support our work On Github

Professional indemnity and Public and products liability insurance provided by Hiscox

Kane Data Limited is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office, registration number ZB670397